FHE Kits

Saturday, December 29, 2012

"Come Follow Me" INBs

As many of you know, there is a new curriculum for Young Women for 2013!
So excited for this new change!
While attending the training, watching the videos online, etc... I felt very strongly that our YW would "learn" more and be more engaged if they had a notebook to write down thoughts, feelings, and information they learned.  I know this new curriculum is very generalized so we can meet the needs of our own YW, but I thought I would share since this is a generalized idea on how to carry out the new curriculum.  But, what goes IN the INB is up to YOU and your own personal inspiration you receive for your own YW.

What is an INB?
INB stands for Interactive NoteBook.  And it's just that.  An Interactive Notebook.
When I taught Jr. High these are what my students used for Math Notes {see previous INB post here} and Reading Assignments.  They. were. awesome.   I've used them with over 480 middle schoolers and they flourished using them.  They really made them their own and took ownership over them.  I picture the YW doing the same.  As they glue in handouts, worksheets completed in class, write down feelings they had during the lesson, draw diagrams {picture plan of salvation diagrams being glued in}, etc... They take notes and really make it geared toward them.  I can picture the YW hanging on to these and using them on their missions!  Eek!  I'm really excited about using these with my YW and seeing them grow this year!

I'm having my YW put them together Wednesday night for mutual.
 First, purchase one of these.
Honestly, after doing this with over 480 middle schooler, the spiral ones last longer.
But, that was being put in and out of backpacks all year long.  The binding on the other composition books doesn't last long for that.  But, since these will just come back and forth with the YW on Sundays.  Or are even kept in the YW closet during the week, you may get away with it.

Make a Table of Contents on the first 4 pages {front, back, front, back}
You can, of course, make more or less if you want.
 I labeled mine:
Page #, Date, Lesson/Topic
I just drew a line after the wording "Page #" and "Date".  Drew a line at the red line, and centered "Lesson/Topic" over that column.  I used to give the kid's their score in the far right column.  But, since these aren't for a grade, you can omit that column. :)

 Now, that you have made your Table of Contents on the first 4 pages
{front, back, front, back}
it's time to number ALL the pages.
Yes, seems tedious, but believe me. It's very helpful throughout the year!
 Now, here is an example of how I envision the Table of Contents looking:
 Of course, yours will be different based on what you want to put in the notebook with your YW during the year.  But, the Table of Contents is key.  Whenever one of my YW wants to review or look over the characteristics we wrote about Heavenly Father, she will turn to pages 6 & 7.  When she wants to look at her Plan of Salvation diagram, she can turn to that page.  List of 10 commandments can be found on such n such page, etc.... Get the idea?
 Here are some pages I know ALL of us can use.

You can now download all the pages below HERE!

January: The Godhead
February: The Plan of Salvation
March: The Atonement of Jesus Christ
April: The Apostasy and the Restoration
May: Prophets & Revelation
June: Priesthood & Priesthood Keys
July: Ordinances & Covenants
August: Marriage & Family
September: Commandments
October: Becoming More Christlike
November: Spiritual and Temporal Self-Reliance
December: Building the Kingdom of God in the Latter Days


You will glue in the month subject papers as you go during the year.  Now remember, not everyone will be gluing these on the same page.  For example, Amanda might have taken up 5 pages writing her testimony on The Godhead.  But, Sara only took up 3.  So, they will be gluing in the "February: Plan of Salvation" page on their next available page.  Which will be different since they took up different amounts of room in their notebook.  This will be fine!  As long as they update their Table of Contents so they can find where "February: The Plan of Salvation" starts.  So, it's important!!  Always label your page on the Table of Contents when you start a new page!

**NOTE: Whenever you make a worksheet to go along with your lesson, you will want to adjust the margins.  So, it's easier for the YW to cut to fit in their INB.  
Margins are:
 Top 0.25 
Bottom 0.5
 Left 0.5 
Right 1.8
 The girls will only have to cut off a "L" {see above pic}

Use GLUE STICKS to glue worksheets into the INB
Bottle glue makes the paper wrinkle.

 Decorate the front how you want!!
These pictures of Jesus Christ are only .10 at the Distribution Center! Free Shipping!

So, this is what it should look like inside:
 Table of Contents
 Table of Contents, Table of Contents
 Table of Contents, Lesson Schedule

Hope you find this helpful!!


  1. Thanks for posting this! This is exactly what I've been planning to do with my YW this year. I actually bought the notebooks today and then saw your post. I love your idea of gluing handouts right into it. Instead of making a table of contents I bought sticky, re-positionable tabs for the YW to mark the beginning of a new month's topics.

    1. Great idea with the sticky post-its! Glad I could help! :)

  2. I just got called to teach YW's and have been really nervous about this new program, since I haven't been in YW's for 10 years. I am excited to do this!! Thanks for the idea!

    1. You're welcome!! Good luck and you'll do great! :)

  3. I have been feeling that our YW will also need to have one place to gather notes and ideas. Thanks for sharing your INB!!

    1. Yay! Glad you felt the same way! You're welcome!

  4. Thank you so much for this idea. I will be using the INB's in my sunday school class.

    1. YAY! Glad you are using this notebook system with your Sunday School class!! :) You'll have to let me know how it goes!

  5. I think this will be great to coordinate both Sunday School and YM/YW's! I was thinking of doing something like this but wasn't sure if I wanted to print out pages each week (could get expensive!) and put them in a three ring binder, but the notebook idea (and gluing in handouts if I want to make one) is so smart! Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Great idea Alea!! If you can get both Sunday School President and YM President on board, go for it! :)

  6. These are so AWESOME! It's a great way to keep the YW engaged during the lesson and they'll have something to look back on later. Thank you for sharing this.

  7. Thanks for this super great idea. We are planning to make our notebooks at this weeks activity. HUGS!

    1. Yay! We are decorating ours this Wednesday too!! :) Thanks for the comment!

  8. I love your idea!!!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us, I'll use this tomorrow with my Mia Maids!

  9. I teach Sunday School - I will have to change it a little - or maybe I will just do one for me - Our YW already use ones like this!

  10. Do you have any plan of salvation things yet? thanks

  11. We just made these tonight for our activity. Saw you on pinterest a couple of weeks ago, and thought they would be great for our girls to have. They were really excited putting them together, and it was fun seeing how many different creative and fun ways they decorated their covers. I love the idea of being able to glue in their handouts so they don't just get thrown away when they get home.

    1. Thanks Camille! I hope your gals are enjoying them this year! :) I would love to see pics on how they turned out! send them to apples4bookworms@gmail.com.

  12. we've been doing this since starting this curriculum and my girls LOVE them! they're all very individual and personal which is the best part of all. :) i also provided pens and glue sticks the first sunday we used them. and i'm keeping my own interactive notebook, too! :)

    1. Thanks Lynne for your sweet comment. :) I LOVE how personal an INB can be for these girls! Send me a pic of how yours are turning out! apples4bookworms@gmail.com

  13. I LOVE this idea and we are using it with our YW. I wanted to download the Lesson Schedule, but it won't allow me to unless I sign up for a paid account. Thank you for all your hard work in creating the monthly theme pages! It is so helpful. =)

    1. Thanks! Give me your e-mail address and I'll just e-mail the page to you! :)

    2. Any chance you could email me the month pages? I went to print April's and it wants me to pay in order to do it. (Eventually I'll need May - December as well...) Thanks so much tana428@gmail.com

    3. Tana, just sent them to your e-mmail! :)

  14. I LOVE these notebooks too and have been printing the monthly pages out and now I am being asked to pay too! Can you send me April-December monthly themed pages to my e-mail? achristley@gmail.com

    1. Sent the e-mail. So glad you like them Anne! :) Thanks!

  15. Hi Ashley,

    LOVE, LOVE these journals. I made them for my Laurels at the beginning of the year and they love them as well. I have been trying to print March and April out but it asks me to pay as well. Is there any way you can email me March-December too? I really appreciate your work on these. They are a hit. My email address is johnsonhq2@comcast.net. Thanks again.

    1. Thanks Angie! I'm so glad your Laurels love them! I sent March - December to your e-mail. Check to make sure they are there. You are welcome! Enjoy! :)

  16. We made journals at the start and I have used the monthly themes you made up thru April. But went to get another month and it is asking me to sign up and pay to subscribe to download them. Is there anyway I could get May-Dec without having to pay? I would hate to have to switch in the middle of the year....I like consistency. :) And it saves me time that I can spend on my lesson instead. Thanks Ashley, you are awesome. jemetyka@comcast.net

    1. I'm so glad these journals are working out for you! :) I sent the files to your above e-mail. Hope you got them!

  17. I would also like a copy of the handouts. I figured out how to download them using the regular version so I don't have to pay, however it wants to install the program on my computer and I just had to buy a new computer because of a virus from a shared download site like this. Can you email them to me too?jenniferamoore@hotmail.com

    Thank you! You are saving us so much time and enriching the lessons we are able to teach. =)

  18. We have done these from the beginning of the year but now it says I have to sign up and pay for it, which I did last month but it didn't give me the entire 24 hours grrrr

    1. Sharon, I'm so sorry you've had difficulty downloading. Was it using Scribd? I added a link to 4shared to download also for those who were being asked to pay. Did that not work? If give me your e-mail address I can e-mail you the documents also. :)

    2. It was Scribd, I didn't see any link. my email address is
      I just want to be able to print off the monthly sheets and would appreciate any help you can give....
      Thanks again

  19. Ashley, I haven't been able to down your journal either. It sends me to the site to pay or asks me to download Scribd. but that doesn't work. Will you please e-mail me the pages to Olliegm585@gmail.com. I am excited to start this with my Miamaids. Thanks, Sue

  20. Hi Ashley,
    Would you mind emailing me the monthy INB files? I can't seem to download them, as others have mentioned. We have been using them in the past but I wasn't organized to print them off all at once. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us. Our YW LOVE the INBs!

  21. I am having problems downloading the file with everything. Can you please email it to me? We have been doing something similar but i think this will help even more.

  22. do you keep the girls inbs or do they keep them? i started all of the girls with a JOURNAL WHEN I WAS CALLED IN WITH THE BEEHIVES AND only a handful of them remember to bring them on Sunday. any advice would be helpful! i would love to incorporate the inbs in with the journals. thanks!

    1. I keep them. :) They always tend to forget them. Sometimes we have them write feelings, thoughts, or questions. And we sometimes read and respond to them. Hope that helps!

  23. Ashley,
    Can you please email me the lesson schedule and monthly themes?

    1. Hey Meegan! I fixed all the links. The "dropbox links" should work. The 2014 new schedule can be found on this post: http://www.apples4bookworms.blogspot.com/2014/01/2014-come-follow-me-lesson-schedule.html
      Let me know if you are still having trouble! :)

  24. Is there anyway to get "What do we know about the nature of the Godhead?" p.2 without paying to use Scribd? Thanks! :)

    1. Hey Lisa! If you go to the direct post on that lesson you can click on "Page 2" that will let you download it from Dropbox for free. (both pages are acutally free on the Dropbox link). Here is the link to the direct post: http://apples4bookworms.blogspot.com/2013/01/the-godhead-what-do-we-know-about.html

  25. I just came across this as I am preparing to teach this Sunday! I Love This! I am pinning this to suggest to my YW Pres. But I'm totally making this for my scripture study. I've been looking for a way to improve my study and this is exactly what I was looking for!
