FHE Kits

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Come Follow Me: August "Why is Chastity Important?"

These handouts go with the lesson from "Come Follow Me" August: "Why is Chastity Important?"

I encourage you to prayerfully consider and ponder the points from this lesson that are age-appropriate and towards the needs of your Young Women.  This is definitely a "loaded" question and very important question to cover with the youth of today.  I feel Satan and his followers are working double time to get to the youth of today, and unfortunately it's through this avenue of Chastity that many of our youth take off their armor of God.

I was going to use the above worksheet {King David vs. Joseph} to compare the difference of someone who chose to be chaste and another who gave into temptation.

The videos the church provides for your youth on this subject are awesome.  If you're feeling uncomfortable teaching this topic, instead of skipping it {since this is an important topic to discuss with our youth today} let the videos do the teaching and use these worksheets for the YW to fill out as they watch.  I pulled these questions from the lesson outline.

You can download all the files HERE.
If that isn't working you can find them in my Dropbox HERE 


  1. Thank you for sharing your time and talents. I will be using your handouts and appreciate them!

  2. Links to files are no longer working can you email them to me? scottandjeanne@gmailDOTcom?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
