FHE Kits

Sunday, December 15, 2013

FEEDBACK NEEDED! How did using the INBs go this year?

So?  How did it go?  Did your YW love the INB?  Did you love the INB?

Let's here your feedback!  Comment below!


  1. I was just thinking about this and wondering about what to do for 2014. We loved using the INBs in our ward year, in fact our Stake YW president wanted our entire stake yw to use them. (I'm not sure if everyone did or not, but we did.) Anyhow I thought they were great. It gave the girls a place to glue all their hand outs. We'd bring glue sticks every week for them so they could glue right during class. Thanks so much for your hard work and willingness to share! ~Jamey Jeppson in Kansas City

    1. Thanks Jamey for sharing! Love to hear that you guys used them an that it went great! :)

  2. Our girls had a wonderful time making them and are very good about getting them out each Sunday. They carry them in their YW binders so they readily have them. A few of them actually use them in Sunday School too and then if they have questions we go over it before our lesson. Wonderful way for them to write their thoughts and feelings and to look back for talks etc. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I just found your journals and love your handouts. We did our own notebooks and I really liked them but am hoping to use them in a more focused manner this year which is why I found you. Thanks! I look forward to it!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful idea! Our girls absolutely ADORED their notebooks! It is so inspiring to see their notebooks stuffed from beginning to end! What a treasure for them in the future! Our Stake YW Presidency is going to use them as an example in training next week.
    We are definitely doing it again this year - are you doing the printables again? They were amazing and so are YOU! Thank you again!
