FHE Kits

Monday, August 6, 2012

Secret Service Handouts for YW

I serve in the YW Presidency in my ward and it was my turn to teach the Fast Sunday combined lesson.  I had Lesson 30: Service from Manual 1.

I was trying to come up with a handout that didn't involve food, since after all it was Fast Sunday.  So, I found this idea here but tweaked it a little.  It's called "7-Day Challenge of Service".  I typed up the challenge for each day and put them in separate envelopes for each day.  I explained that the YW would be Secret Service Agents this next week and have one "mission" per day (if they choose to accept it).  They seemed really excited to take on this challenge!  

I used the fonts "Faith Dots" for the labels for the envelopes and "Cry Kitty", "Emma" & "Masked Marvel" for the challenges.  Click on the font name and I linked where you can download the font for FREE! :)

Download the file for the 7-Day Challenge here
the file for the labels for the envelopes is here



  1. i know you made this two years ago, but I'm using it for my lesson tomorrow and wanted to thank you so much for putting it together! I love it!

  2. This is so cute!! I am using it for my lesson tomorrow. Thank you !!! I couldn't figure out the download thing so I copied and pasted it. I hope that is ok! :)

  3. I agree! Thank you so much for your creative idea! This is so great and I cannot wait to use it this month.

  4. Just used this idea for my Mia Maids! Thank you!
