FHE Kits

Saturday, December 29, 2012

"Come Follow Me" INBs

As many of you know, there is a new curriculum for Young Women for 2013!
So excited for this new change!
While attending the training, watching the videos online, etc... I felt very strongly that our YW would "learn" more and be more engaged if they had a notebook to write down thoughts, feelings, and information they learned.  I know this new curriculum is very generalized so we can meet the needs of our own YW, but I thought I would share since this is a generalized idea on how to carry out the new curriculum.  But, what goes IN the INB is up to YOU and your own personal inspiration you receive for your own YW.

What is an INB?
INB stands for Interactive NoteBook.  And it's just that.  An Interactive Notebook.
When I taught Jr. High these are what my students used for Math Notes {see previous INB post here} and Reading Assignments.  They. were. awesome.   I've used them with over 480 middle schoolers and they flourished using them.  They really made them their own and took ownership over them.  I picture the YW doing the same.  As they glue in handouts, worksheets completed in class, write down feelings they had during the lesson, draw diagrams {picture plan of salvation diagrams being glued in}, etc... They take notes and really make it geared toward them.  I can picture the YW hanging on to these and using them on their missions!  Eek!  I'm really excited about using these with my YW and seeing them grow this year!

I'm having my YW put them together Wednesday night for mutual.
 First, purchase one of these.
Honestly, after doing this with over 480 middle schooler, the spiral ones last longer.
But, that was being put in and out of backpacks all year long.  The binding on the other composition books doesn't last long for that.  But, since these will just come back and forth with the YW on Sundays.  Or are even kept in the YW closet during the week, you may get away with it.

Make a Table of Contents on the first 4 pages {front, back, front, back}
You can, of course, make more or less if you want.
 I labeled mine:
Page #, Date, Lesson/Topic
I just drew a line after the wording "Page #" and "Date".  Drew a line at the red line, and centered "Lesson/Topic" over that column.  I used to give the kid's their score in the far right column.  But, since these aren't for a grade, you can omit that column. :)

 Now, that you have made your Table of Contents on the first 4 pages
{front, back, front, back}
it's time to number ALL the pages.
Yes, seems tedious, but believe me. It's very helpful throughout the year!
 Now, here is an example of how I envision the Table of Contents looking:
 Of course, yours will be different based on what you want to put in the notebook with your YW during the year.  But, the Table of Contents is key.  Whenever one of my YW wants to review or look over the characteristics we wrote about Heavenly Father, she will turn to pages 6 & 7.  When she wants to look at her Plan of Salvation diagram, she can turn to that page.  List of 10 commandments can be found on such n such page, etc.... Get the idea?
 Here are some pages I know ALL of us can use.

You can now download all the pages below HERE!

January: The Godhead
February: The Plan of Salvation
March: The Atonement of Jesus Christ
April: The Apostasy and the Restoration
May: Prophets & Revelation
June: Priesthood & Priesthood Keys
July: Ordinances & Covenants
August: Marriage & Family
September: Commandments
October: Becoming More Christlike
November: Spiritual and Temporal Self-Reliance
December: Building the Kingdom of God in the Latter Days


You will glue in the month subject papers as you go during the year.  Now remember, not everyone will be gluing these on the same page.  For example, Amanda might have taken up 5 pages writing her testimony on The Godhead.  But, Sara only took up 3.  So, they will be gluing in the "February: Plan of Salvation" page on their next available page.  Which will be different since they took up different amounts of room in their notebook.  This will be fine!  As long as they update their Table of Contents so they can find where "February: The Plan of Salvation" starts.  So, it's important!!  Always label your page on the Table of Contents when you start a new page!

**NOTE: Whenever you make a worksheet to go along with your lesson, you will want to adjust the margins.  So, it's easier for the YW to cut to fit in their INB.  
Margins are:
 Top 0.25 
Bottom 0.5
 Left 0.5 
Right 1.8
 The girls will only have to cut off a "L" {see above pic}

Use GLUE STICKS to glue worksheets into the INB
Bottle glue makes the paper wrinkle.

 Decorate the front how you want!!
These pictures of Jesus Christ are only .10 at the Distribution Center! Free Shipping!

So, this is what it should look like inside:
 Table of Contents
 Table of Contents, Table of Contents
 Table of Contents, Lesson Schedule

Hope you find this helpful!!

Math INBs

What is an INB?
INB stands for Interactive NoteBook
What are they?  They are just that.  An interactive notebook. :)
When I taught Jr. High we used these.  They were a huge success!  My students who don't normally take Math notes, took them!  I taught both Math and Reading.  So, my students had a Math INB and a Reading INB.  I would have my students set them up on the first few days of school.  4 pages of Table of Contents. And then they number the front and back of EVERY page.  Then, we are ready for the year.  I had a printout to glue on the cover.  If they decorated it, it was extra credit.  And then the students kept them in storage size baggie in their backpacks.  My experience with students using these is that they really take ownership of them and become quiet possessive of them.
In the Math INB, we would take notes.  We had a table of contents at the beginning.  So, every day before we began Math Notes, my students would go to the next available page in their notebook.  See what page number was next.  Then, they would go to the table of contents, put the page number, date, and note section {such as 9.4 Surface Area of a Square Pyramid etc...}
Then, when they were studying for a test or referring to their notes during homework it was EASY to find.  I would collect the student's Math INBs at the end of each Chapter and give them quick participation points if they had their math notes.  I rarely had any students not take notes because of these INBs.  
In the Reading INB, we would do their vocabulary, novel studies, etc....  Any worksheets I handed out were cut and glued into the INB {no lost papers!!}.  Glue sticks work best.  Don't recommend the bottle glue... huge mess and not a flat surface to write on.

And what an easy cost at the beginning of the the year.  A single subject notebook.  That's it.  
10 cents at Target.  Done.
 My favorite unit to teach in the INBs were the surface area and volume chapters.
My students loved gluing in the nets of these shapes and hands on folding the shapes as they try to configure the Surface Area.  How easy is it to tell the difference between the slant height and height of the square pyramid when you can actually see it!

LDS Quiet Books

DIY Quiet Books!
So, these are what I made for the cousin gifts this year.
Lot of work, but well worth it.
Most of the work was trying to find ones talented people already made and all I had to do was download and print!  So here is a compiled list of all the ones I used.

I bought my photo books from Dollar Tree.  I like these ones {better than wal-marts} because you can fit 48 photos in these books.  Wal-Mart's you can only fit 24.  And because I bought the bigger ones, you can fit TWO books in ONE album!

Above: You can see is one book {or one side of the book}.
Below: You can see is the other book {or other side of the book}. 

This ABC Quiet Book is for the youngest little ones.
Find it here: ABC Quiet Book
LOVE this one about the Prophet & Apostles.  Includes pics when they were boys
Bright Idea printables from The Friend
Find it here.
Cute little Book of Christ
Find it here: Quiet Book of Christ
I like how this one has the Sacrament Prayer in it so they can follow along.
And the good ol' MormonAds from The New Era
Find it here.

Homemade Refried Beans

I made these for the first time this month.
These were soooo good!
I never want to buy canned refried beans again!!
Only trick is that they have to cook for 8 hours.  So, you have to plan ahead.
It is always nice to get recipes from others that they have tried out and know are good ones.
So, I thought I'd share.
Here is the recipe I used: Refried Beans without the Refry
The only change I make is that I use onion powder instead of actual onions.  
And this is ONLY because my husband can NOT stand onions!

M&M Christmas Lesson

M&M Christmas Lesson

{yeah, yeah... I know this is a little late.  Pin it so you can save it for next year!!}

I work with the Mia Maids in my ward. 
We do everything with M&Ms! (since Mia Maids are M&Ms!)
When girls turn 14 and enter Mia Maids we M&M attach their house.
The girls this year got M&Ms in a light bulb jar for their birthday.
So, when I saw this from Ucreate, I thought "Yes! I'm totally using this!"
I used this M&M poem printable as the outline of my lesson.  Then, through thought and prayer, I decided what church materials to use in the lesson.  

This is the lesson I came up with:

These were my handouts/Christmas gifts:
 I used my favorite Chocolate Chip recipe, but instead of the Chocolate chips I used green & red M&M minis.  You could use regular sized Christmas M&Ms too.

I also used this recipe that I love for the Pretzel Hugs from eighteen25.

The girls loved it, they said they will never look at an M&M the same again! :)

Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Game: Pin the Nose on Rudolph!

I thought this would be a fun Christmas game for the kiddos!
I drew and painted a Rudolph on butcher paper. 
Cut out little red circles out of red construction paper {about 1.5 inches}
Then we're all set! Kids loved it!

 Let's just say she cheated on this one. :)
Fun game!
We will make sure this is in our Christmas Activity Advent Calendar every year!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Rotel Dip

 This dip is AWESOME!
We would eat this dip at our friends The Hendrix's when we would have game night.
I HAD to get the recipe because it was so yummy!
Now, whenever I make it for a social gathering, people want the recipe.
My SIL texted me one night for it and said "I looked on your blog, but it wasn't there."
So, that gave me the idea that.....maybe it should be! :)

1 can of Original Rotel {my husband likes the Mexican Lime & Cilantro}
3 Avocados, Diced 
4 Roma Tomatoes, Diced
1 bunch Cilantro, finely chopped
1/2 cup mayo
Garlic Salt to taste

Enjoy with some tortilla chips!