We call these "Thinking Maps" in teaching. This is using the Cause & Effect Flow Chart.
I used this with the "Come Follow Me" November Lesson: Why is it important for me to gain an education and develop skills?
I used this bullet from the lesson:
- Assign the young women to read individually one of the five paragraphs from the “Education” section of For the Strength of Youth or the statements by President Gordon B. Hinckley and President Thomas S. Monson at the beginning of the talk “Seek Learning: You Have a Work to Do.” Ask them to explain to the class what they read, and discuss why it is important to work diligently now to gain a good education. Invite the young women to think about and share their goals to gain an education.
We used scriptures from the lesson to discuss what causes us to have an education and what effects we can have because we have an education.
I divided the class into pairs. {we had an even 12 girls today..yay!}
Each pair was given a box. I had drawn the flow chart up on the chalkboard in the classroom. I drew the middle box and arrows. Where the 3 boxes for "causes" and 3 boxes for "effects" are I had a piece of tape ready for the girls to tape up their paper summarizing their assignment scriptures or readings.
Each group was given a blank piece of paper to summarize what "cause" or "effect" they learned from their reading. They then put it up on the board. We went over it as a class and they copied it down on their papers.
The two empty boxes on either side can be used for whatever readings you wanted to use. On the "cause" side I used the quote I pulled from Sister Cook's talk (see page 3 below). On the "effects" side I used the "Education" section from the "For the Strength of Youth" book. (see page 2 below)
page 2
page 3
As a conclusion I had the girls ponder the questions and write their answers at the bottom on p.3. Just getting them thinking of what type of career they would like to pursue.